Woman at the Well

Supply list: Saltine Crackers, cups, craft glue, craft sticksPre-class prep: Make two sample crafts Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class) King of the Jungle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF5JtvoVSJ0 Game 1 (older kids): Saltine CompetitionFor any of the kids who want to play, let them see who can…

Jesus Heals

Supply list: Pretzels, 3 Blankets, 2 blindfolds, cones, band aids, hearts, string, glue, craft sticks, felt, printed menPre-class prep: Make two sample crafts Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class). Please review the lessons from this unit: Jesus Loses His Parent, Mary Mother of…

Jesus the Good Shepherd

Supply list: Pretzel sticks, small marshmallows, large marshmallows, plates, cotton balls, sheep ears, yarnPre-class prep: samples of both crafts and sheep on the wall for relays Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class). Please review the lessons from this unit: Jesus Loses His Parent,…

Jesus Feeds the 5000

Supply list: Paper, scissors, goldfish, crackers, paper plates, two fishPre-class prep: Draw every day objects for younger kids (can be on the board), sample paper plate craft Jesus Feeds the 5000Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class). Please review the lessons from this unit:…

A Fishing Story

How my family fishing trip taught me about fishing for people

Anxiety Disorder as a Disciple

There are times I have been able to master my anxiety, and other times, specifically during pregnancy, that I needed medication to help me.