Jesus Feeds the 5000

Supply list: Paper, scissors, goldfish, crackers, paper plates, two fish
Pre-class prep: Draw every day objects for younger kids (can be on the board), sample paper plate craft

Jesus Feeds the 5000
Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class). Please review the lessons from this unit: Jesus Loses His Parent, Mary Mother of Jesus, Calling the Disciples, and Woman at the Well

New Song idea: My God Is So Great 

Bible Reading – Matthew14:13-21
Creative Story Telling – Younger class: What do you do when you are REALLY tired or REALLY hungry? Are you grumpy? Do you want to pick up all your toys? What if you had lots and lots of work to do when you were already tired?
Older class: Let the students tell you about the most EXHAUSTING day they can remember. Then ask what they would do if dad or mom said you had to cook dinner after the most exhausting day? That’s what Jesus had to do.

Then ask about a time when they were super hungry, and what they would have done if they had no idea how they were going to eat. These people had no idea how they were going to eat, but Jesus knew that God would provide. What are some things besides food that we can trust God to provide?

Object Lesson – Younger kids: Give them each a piece of paper and ask them to count the corners (4). Cut off a corner and then have them count the corners (5). Show them that the more times you cut the paper the more corners you have. Just like Jesus kept dividing the fish and there was always more.
Older kids: Start the activity the same way, then divide them into groups and give them 5 minutes or so as a group to make the most corners that they can on the sheet of paper. Team with the most corners wins.

Game 1– Creative Drawing 
Younger class: Draw several every day object on the board and let them talk about funny ways you can use them.
Older class: Divide them into smaller groups. Have each student draw an item that they use every day on a sheet of paper. Pass the papers around their group and everyone needs to write one use for the object that is not what it is usually used for (i.e., a spoon can be used to build a sand castle). 
Discussion questions: What are some reasons Jesus might work with ordinary people and things when he does miracles? What’s one ordinary thing about you that God could use in big ways?

Craft 2 –

Game 2 – Examine the fish
We will bring in two dead fish from the store so that the students can look at them and touch them. Talk about how Jesus would have taken these fish and fed 5000 people. 

Older kids – 
True and False

  1. Jesus offered to pay his disciples. F
  2. There were 20 disciples. F
  3. Some disciples were fishermen. T
  4. Matthew was a tax collector.  T
  5. Jesus’ followers were all rich and educated. F
  6. If the disciples disagreed with Jesus they voted to decide the issue. F

Books of the Bible – Please use the following song to teach the kids the books of the Bible.

Each student will need to bring a Bible to class. This will help them participate during Bible reading time, but it will also allow them to learn to use their Bibles. When any child can say the books of the Bible in the correct order to the coordinators, there will be an extra special prize.

Optional YouTube Video –

mom and son

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