Book Review: Unoffendable by Brant Hansen

What different would the world look if Christians decided to never be offended? How different would your life look if you chose to exchange your anger for peace in your heart?

A Week In the Life

As part of our goal to live intentionally, each week has an established scaffolding. Rarely do we have a week that looks exactly like this but this is the starting point.

Unhelicopter Parenting II: Stretch the Cords Farther

There are so many ways in which we as parents can stunt the emotional growth of our children. Here are some practical ways that Afa and I build our kids up towards independence and personal responsibility.

Un-helicopter Parenting, Part I: Masterly Inactivity

Unhelicopter. Free Range. Unschooling. There are a lot of ways to describe our approach to parenting. In the first of a series, I detail how we look at different parts of parenting with a goal to raise adults based in trust and the freedom to fail.