Woman at the Well

Supply list: Saltine Crackers, cups, craft glue, craft sticks
Pre-class prep: Make two sample crafts

Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class)

King of the Jungle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF5JtvoVSJ0

Game 1 (older kids): Saltine Competition
For any of the kids who want to play, let them see who can eat the most saltines in a certain amount of time with no water. Then have them describe how thirsty they are and what it might feel like to have to wait an hour or a day before they were allowed to get something to drink. (Then let them have some water).

Younger kids: During the story, let them eat some saltine crackers and talk about how thirsty they are.

Bible Reading – John 4:6-26
Creative Story Telling – Younger kids: Talk about how it feels when people don’t want to be friends with us, and how loved the woman might have felt after Jesus sat down to talk to her. 
Older kids: Give them an opportunity to tell the story before you read it. It’s a familiar one, so some of them may already know it. Have them raise their hands to add to parts of the story as their friends tell it.

Craft 1 – 

DIY and Craft Idea 728 - Another DIY Idea

 We won’t have the center part with the toothpick and the basket, but we will make the outside of the well.
Younger kids: Use the blocks to build a well. They can also glue craft sticks to paper, but it doesn’t have to look like a well.

Game 2 – Play telephone. Talk about how people may have talked about this woman and no one wanted to be her friend but Jesus.
Adjust the game to only one or two kids at a time to hear the secret and then share it. Also, you can let them tell silly stories about themselves.

Older kids – 
True and False

  1. Jesus offered to pay his disciples. F
  2. There were 20 disciples. F
  3. Some disciples were fishermen. T
  4. Matthew was a tax collector.  T
  5. Jesus’ followers were all rich and educated. F
  6. If the disciples disagreed with Jesus they voted to decide the issue. F

Craft 2 –  https://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/transportation/mhalvesboat.html We prepped this craft last week, so we will use it this week. Take the opportunity to review with the kids the lesson from last week.

Books of the Bible – We are going to start a new section for class. We will use the following song to teach the kids the books of the Bible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7ZtWRSCH7E

Each student will need to bring a Bible to class. This will help them participate during Bible reading time, but it will also allow them to learn to use their Bibles. When any child can say the books of the Bible in the correct order to the coordinators, there will be an extra special prize.

Optional Game – Listen to the story and play the games in Bible App for Kids. This story is not in the app, but feel free to let the kids listen to any Jesus story.

Final Activity:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW5unzXXC0k Let them listen to this song, at least through the chorus and talk about what it means for them to “come to the well”

mom and son

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