Calling the First Disciples


Supply list: Yarn, tape, glue, construction paper
Pre-class prep: cut out fish for game, make “fishing poles”

Circle Time – Rules, songs, good news, prayer, Memory Scripture (John 1:1-2, only John 1:1 for the younger class)

Bible Reading – Mark 1:16-20
Creative Story Telling – Younger kids: talk about what kinds of jobs people have
Older kids: Let them share what they want to do as a job
Then discuss that the disciples had different jobs before they started following Jesus. Even Jesus had a job.

Andrew, Peter, James, John were fisherman.
Matthew was a tax collector.
Simon was a Zealot.
Jesus was a carpenter or a builder, perhaps like a stone mason

Craft 1 –

Game 1 – Using string and tape, make “fishing rod.” Cut fish out of paper. Have the students, either in teams or individually, try to catch the fish.

Game 2 – Act out the story. Give each of the kids a role to play. For the younger kids, some of them can be fish.

Older kids – 
True and False

  1. Jesus offered to pay his disciples. F
  2. There were 20 disciples. F
  3. Some disciples were fishermen. T
  4. Matthew was a tax collector.  T
  5. Jesus’ followers were all rich and educated. F
  6. If the disciples disagreed with Jesus they voted to decide the issue. F

Craft 2 – – Fish glued to the paper with string wrapped around the paper to look like a net.

Books of the Bible – We are going to start a new section for class. We will use the following song to teach the kids the books of the Bible.

mom and son

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