Zeal without Knowledge: House Buying Process Gone Awry

Even zeal is no good without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps misses the mark. Proverbs 19:2 Afa and I have been casually looking to buy a house for about six months and seriously looking for the last eight weeks. For the first four weeks of this endeavor, I dove in with lots of…

A Fishing Story

How my family fishing trip taught me about fishing for people

Anxiety Disorder as a Disciple

There are times I have been able to master my anxiety, and other times, specifically during pregnancy, that I needed medication to help me.

Why Not Yes? An alternative to an automatic “No”

There are too many times that I say no my kids because their requests are inconvenient or unimportant to me, especially at the time of asking. But my toddlers are people too, so here’s an idea for a different approach.

Suffering Produces Miracles

Too many times disciples go through suffering in their lives and believe that God hates them, is angry with them or is indifferent toward them. Too often we miss the fact that the suffering is setting the stage for God’s miracles.