Ezer Kenegdo: A Mirror of Grace and Truth

Suitable helper. Helper suitable. Help meet. A variety of translations for a Hebrew phrase notoriously difficult to translate.

Here’s an example of one application of this phrase that is a different than many ways I have heard it implemented before.

Harnessing the Power of Consistency

In multiple areas recently, I have felt overwhelmed with the amount of work that I needed to do and had several goals that I wanted to accomplish immediately. With everything going on in life, it seemed like I would never get them done. But I am slowly and surely learning the power of doing small amounts of a large task consistently each day.

Quiet Time Ideas

Sometimes it’s challenging to figure out what to read during our daily times with God. Here are a few ideas.

Birthday Parties: My Motherly Achilles Heel

Birthday parties can be a very big deal for kids and can be completely overwhelming for adults. This story is one birthday experience we had and some lessons learned through the years.

When the Running Gets Tough

In 2020, I was running consistently and improving every month. At the end of the year, I was injured and ill. Recovery was slow and challenging – and full of important lessons.