We had been planning to buy a house for over a year, and two weeks before our move, our whole family came down with Covid-19. God’s grace during this time was immeasurable.
Daily Schedule – Ages 2, 4, and 5
The days are long, but the years are short. How many times have I heard this?
Here is a sample of our daily schedule, and it helps a little bit with those days that feel like they last a lifetime.
Three T’s of Shepherding the Flock
Three things that people need from you as you shepherd a flock of God’s people – tenacity, time, and trust.
The Journey Back to Bible Talk: Overcoming Overwhelm and Anxiety
Over the last year, our lives have changed dramatically. I had gotten to the point where calling into another Zoom meeting seemed like more than I could do with everything else happening.
But if I could get enough help to overcome that hurdle, those Zoom meetings were often the one thing I needed the most.
Our Curly Girl Journey and Current Hair Care Routine
For many people, this may seem like a trivial topic, but for us, it has been a huge victory. We have learned to love and care for my daughter’s beautiful curls so that she will see them as a joy rather than a burden.
“Hands Are Not For Hitting” and Other Tools for Curbing Harmful Behaviors
The step-by-step approach that worked for us when we needed to address hitting and biting.
“The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”: Our first book party
This was our first, of hopefully many, book. We read “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” together and had this celebration together.
Decluttering My Schedule – Minimalism in Time
We often talk about decluttering our stuff, but I have learned that clutter can overtake my life in more areas than just my home.
Reading the Bible in 90 Days: Faith-Building Lessons Learned
When I first heard about it, reading the whole Bible in 90 days seemed impossible, but it’s not only possible…it can be life changing.
Let’s Talk about Sex (and then talk about it with our children)
Sex. Questions. Kids. Awkward. Right? Not necessarily. The Bible doesn’t shy away from the topic of sex. Neither should we.