So many things as a new mom can be overwhelming, and feeding the baby is often high on the list.
Category: Topics
Autogenous Bitterness: When My Own Choices Breed My Anger
There are so many times when my anger and bitterness are a direct result of my decisions and choices. One example of my process of prayer and repentance.
Moving in the Time of Coronavirus – Moving Day
Moving Day came much more quickly than we had anticipated and had many obstacles of its own.
Moving in the Time of Coronavirus – The Preparation
We had been planning to buy a house for over a year, and two weeks before our move, our whole family came down with Covid-19. God’s grace during this time was immeasurable.
Daily Schedule – Ages 2, 4, and 5
The days are long, but the years are short. How many times have I heard this?
Here is a sample of our daily schedule, and it helps a little bit with those days that feel like they last a lifetime.
Three T’s of Shepherding the Flock
Three things that people need from you as you shepherd a flock of God’s people – tenacity, time, and trust.
The Journey Back to Bible Talk: Overcoming Overwhelm and Anxiety
Over the last year, our lives have changed dramatically. I had gotten to the point where calling into another Zoom meeting seemed like more than I could do with everything else happening.
But if I could get enough help to overcome that hurdle, those Zoom meetings were often the one thing I needed the most.
Our Curly Girl Journey and Current Hair Care Routine
For many people, this may seem like a trivial topic, but for us, it has been a huge victory. We have learned to love and care for my daughter’s beautiful curls so that she will see them as a joy rather than a burden.
“Hands Are Not For Hitting” and Other Tools for Curbing Harmful Behaviors
The step-by-step approach that worked for us when we needed to address hitting and biting.
“The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”: Our first book party
This was our first, of hopefully many, book. We read “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” together and had this celebration together.